Thursday, December 26, 2019
Gandhi The Great Soul - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2139 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/08/06 Category People Essay Level High school Tags: Mahatma Gandhi Essay Did you like this example? Gandhi The Great soul Gandhi had a valuable impact on India as he got independence beginning with time in South Africa as a lawyer. The Salt March was the first Nonviolence Movement (Satyagraha) in India that he started in South Africa. The Nonviolence Movement in South Africa had a great impact on the Indians who are living in South Africa and the Quit India Movement to fight for independence in India. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Gandhi: The Great Soul" essay for you Create order He was later troubled over the Two Nation Theory because Gandhi wanted India and Pakistan together and was upset when the separation occurred in 1947 after independence. Beginning with time in South Africa as a lawyer Gandhi was not a popular lawyer and throughout his journey in South Africa, he was successful and also witnessed some situations which made him think about them and find a solution. Gandhi’s first case in South Africa as a lawyer was when an Indian firm doing business in South Africa asked him to travel to Durban in order to settle a dispute and represent it in a civil suit against another Indian firm (Sofri 56-57). While he was going from Durban to Pretoria on the court case that he was handling and working on, he been thrown out of the train. Even though he had a first class ticket the train conductor asked him to move to third class because of his skin color and race. This was a firm event that Gandhi would remember. And his non-violence movement started from then (Sofri 56-57). There were close to 100,00 Indians in South Africa and almost every Indian is treated very badly like, they were ordered to work as slaves, and other low paid and hard working jobs. Gandhi saw how oppresses his countrymen were by the whites (Sofri 56-57). When Gandhi became Mahatma he created a lot of thoughts and ideas that would help many people. In South Africa, he lived there for over 20 years and elaborated many of the ideas that would lead him to become Mahatma. One major accomplishment that Gandhi did in South Africa is that he created a Nonviolence Movement which is a protest without violence against some laws that hold the Indians back. One example of where the laws holding Indians back is the Balck Act It helped many Indians who were living in South Africa (Sofri 56-57). Many of Gandhis followers in South Africa followed him to an ashram which is a place of self-sufficient community where they practiced the ideals of satyagraha and hoped to inspire the outside world to embrace nonviolence. Later, Gandhi was very popular in South Africa due to his Nonviolence Movement (Stockdale). The black act was also one of the reasons Gandhi started satyagraha. The black act required Indians in South Africa to be fingerprinted and to carr y registration documents with them all times (Vander 41-42). It also declared Indian marriages invalid (Vander 41-42). Gandhi created satyagraha to get the laws out of the Indians way so that they can live freely. After some time it paid off as Indians got freedom in South Africa and were able to do many things like voting and other things that all people do (Vander 41-42). Salt March was the beginning of Gandhi’s Nonviolence Movement in India. Salt March was Gandhis most famous non-violence act which began on March 12, 1930. He led his 240-mile anti-salt tax march south from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi beach (Wolpert Gandhi, Mahatma M. K). Many people followed him including his followers, Sarojini Naidu and many other great personalities who want to make India better and get independence (Wolpert Gandhi, Mahatma M. K). British imposed hard taxes on basic necessities. During Britishers rule in India, they imposed harsh taxes on basic necessities like salt and other products ( Vander 7-9). Salt is a basic necessity of life and if there are harsh taxes on basic goods like salt, poor people cannot afford to buy it and will have to starve to death ( Vander 7-9). Gandhi criticized the government for taking ( imposing harsh taxes) an important product that nature provided in abundance ( Vander 7-9). On April 6, 1930, Gandhi was in a small village called Dandi and took a mixture of salt and mud and lifted above his head. Many other followers shouted and cheered, hoping for a better future by this movement ( Vander 7-9). Gandhi and other people did this march so as to take an action on tax resistance. Gandhi and his followers c onducted this protest in a nonviolent way against the British salt monopoly (Vander 7-9). Many people who participated in this movement have been arrested and put in jail. Gandhi welcomed people who have been arrested and spun cotton while in jail (Wolpert â€Å" Gandhi, Mahatma M.K†). This movement was great as it gained worldwide attention and gave Indians energy about participating in any activity that would get their Independence (Wolpert â€Å" Gandhi, Mahatma M.K†). The Nonviolence Movement made Indian people get Courage and hope during the British rule. Nonviolence is Gandhi’s preferred way of doing something or anything. Gandhi insisted that truth and love are very important and he said that they will move the world that means anyone can do anything with those characteristics (Wolpert Gandhi, Mahatma M. K). Gandhi prayed Rama. He used most ancient yogic weapons instead of physical weapons to control before launching any revolutionary movement. In this case, he did a lot of fasting before he started some movements which went very viral across India (Wolpert Gandhi, Mahatma M. K). He did not hate enemies and taught his followers to love instead of harming someone who has a grudge on (Wolpert Gandhi, Mahatma M. K). Gandhis concept of nonviolence was a moral belief. His concept of non-violence rebuked not only killing but hurting, harming or inflicting suffering on any living being (Sofri 167-169). Gandhi intended to modify the world, but not to accept it (Sofri 167-169). Gandhi intended to oppose evil actively in order to defeat it. He intended to combat injustice. He did not deny conflict, but only the use of violence to resolve it (Sofri 167-169). Gandhi believed that violence never leads to a lasting or stable solution to the conflict. Gandhi led his struggles with incredible loyalty. He never adopted a strategy of surprise (Sofri 167-169). Gandhi said Satyagraha is not predominantly civil disobedience, but a quiet and irresistible pursuit of truth ( qtd. In Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi). Gandhi developed the concept of satyagraha (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi). He started satyagraha (nonviolent resistance) in South Africa. Gandhi urged all Indians in South Africa to defy a law requiring registration and fingerprinting of all Indians (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi). This quote is saying that satyagraha is a nonviolent act which holds onto its truth and proceed without any harm to others (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi). Albert Einstein said,Generations to come will scarcely believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth. He also said will scarcely believe (qtd. in Gandhi). Einstein had in mind Gandhis distinctive capacity for nonviolent resistance (Gandhi). Quit India movement was a movement started by Gandhi. Its motto is to send British out of India and get Freedom in India. Gandhi didnt accept British demands of supporting Britain its allies in WWII (Wolpert â€Å"Gandhi, Mahatma M.K†). He insisted that all mass violence is evil and was against just war concept (Wolpert â€Å"Gandhi, Mahatma M.K†). He started his Satyagraha movement after the WWII started by sending his disciple Vinoba Bhave to break British martial law (Wolpert â€Å"Gandhi, Mahatma M.K†). Gandhi demands the British to leave India(Vander 76-77). On August 8, 1942, Gandhi demanded that the British leave India (Vander 76-77). He told people to carry out nonviolence civil disobed ience in what came to be called the Quit India movement (Vander 76-77). When they are participating in the Quit India Movement campaigns and other programs many people like Gandhi, Naidu, Kasturbai were arrested (Vander 76-77). In retaliation, large-scale violence broke out all over India. People burned government officials, exploded bombs, cut off electricity (Vander 76-77). They vandalized railroad stations, telegraph offices, and anything else related to British rule (Vander 76-77).  British officials were attacked and some were killed. Gandhi, from his jail, began writing letters to British office, demanding rights for the Indian people (Vander 76-77). Gandhi went to Bombay to lead the Congress working committee in one final mass Satyagraha to end the British Raj who have been waiting to arrest Gandhi (Wolpert Gandhi, Mahatma M. K). He resolved to demand that every British soldier and civilian must immediately leave by using the quote Quit India (Wolpert Gandhi, Mahatma M. K). Two Nation Theory states that Pakistan should be a separate country to that of India. Just months before Indias independence, carnage in scale broke out against Hindus in Muslim-dominated Eastern Bengal and against Muslims in Hindu-majority Bihar (Gandhi). Gandhi never accepted the Two Nations theory, which stated that a sanctuary for the subcontinents Muslims in a future Pakistan and a natural home for its Hindus in India (Gandhi). Gandhi always wanted India and Pakistan to be like br others but the British came and destroyed Gandhi dream by separating India and Pakistan (Gandhi). On Aug. 15, 1947, as India won its freedom Gandhi didnt celebrate the independence instead he was in Calcutta, where sectarian riots between India and Pakistan had disfigured life, even as bloody carnage had left hundreds of Hindus dead in Eastern Bengal and Muslims, likewise, in Bihar (Gandhi). On Jan 30, 1948, a Hindu Brahmin who believed Gandhi had betrayed Hindus and supported Muslim killed Gandhi with three bullets fired at point blank. Everybody hopes, that Gandhi was there to support them in all aspects, has vanished and were very sad (Gandhi). Gandhi didnt show hatred or write a harsh word. But with his toughest resistance which is called satyagraha, he managed to tackle the situation. Many great leaders like Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela found this capacity in Gandhi compelling, exemplary and even sublime (Gandhi). Gandhi said, I am not going to leave Benga l until the last embers of trouble are stamped out†(qtd. inMohandas Karamchand Gandhi). When Gandhi came from the prison due to the Quit India movement he sought to avert the creation of a separate Muslim state of Pakistan that Muhammad Ali Jinnah was demanding (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi). Gandhi suggested that Jinnah is offered the post of prime minister or defense minister. Jinnah refused and instead declared a direct action day on August 16 (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi). On August 16, many innocent people died and several were wounded in Calcutta (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi). Then he went to Bengal and said this quote. He warned that he would fast to death. Then he went to Noakhali, a Muslim city in Bengal and said: Do or Die.He said either Hindus and Muslims would learn to live together, or he would die in the attempt. After this, the situation calmed down for some time but rioting started in elsewhere (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi). Gandhi’s thoughts after independence were downcast as he didnt achieve what he wanted. Gandhis dream of Indias independence came true on August 15, 1947 (Vander 79-80). But he had never wanted religion to divide the people which in this case are the Hindus and Muslims (Vander 79-80). Pakistan and India are divided into two countries on June 3, 1947, and was announced by viceroy Lord Louis Mountbatten (Vander 79-80). Subhash Chandra Bose was attracted to the ideals of socialism and communism while he had lived in western Europe for several years in early 1930 (Wolpert â€Å"Bose, Subhash Chandra†). He later preferred fascism and Nazism which he thought he could humanize with an admixture of Indian philosophy, then introduce to India as a potent form of national Indian socialism. Gandhi is simple and preached non-violence while Bose was attracted to all evil governments systems and influenced many people (Wolpert â€Å"Bose, Subhash Chandra†). Bose didnt join Gandhis revolutionary opposition to British rule and he found Gandhi as too nebulous about the goals of his movement, and too worried about avoiding all violence in the national protest. So Bose thought Violence is the only way to end British rule and started to go against Gandhi in many ways (Wolpert). By looking at the thesis statements and looking at what Gandhi did, one would say that Gandhi did way better than Subhash Chandra Bose as Gandhi preached non-violence while Subhash Chandra Bose thought violence is the only way to end British rule. Technically thinking Nonviolence is better as no one would get hurt and things can go smoothly without any harm to anybody. And Bose was also towards Nazism and communism which are some violent type of governments. So Gandhi is way better than Bose as he preached non-violence and did all things smoothly and clearly without any type of harm or mess to anybody.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay about Maternity Leave in Australia - 524 Words
Maternity Leave in Australia Maternity leave allows women to take leave of absence from their job to give birth and care for their children. The International Labor Organisation sets minimum standards for maternity leave. These include a right to 12 weeks paid maternity leave and prohibition against dismissal during maternity leave. Although a member of the ILO, Australia has never ratified its convention concerning maternity protection ---- we have no standard maternity leave provisions. Australian law entitles women to 12 months unpaid leave and for more than 25 years the Commonwealth Employees Act has entitled Commonwealth employees to paid maternity leave. About two-thirds of women in the†¦show more content†¦Of industrialised nations, it is the Scandinavian countries that set the pace. In Norway, for example, women are entitled to a years maternity leave on full pay, two years unpaid leave and the right to part-time employment while their children are young. Supporters of more comprehensive paid maternity leave say motherhood means a substantial loss of earnings, demotion and insecurity in the workplace for many women. Providing financial and job security for women as well as helping businesses retain skilled employees makes good financial sense. They point out that it is only a privileged few who receive paid leave, and these are usually women on higher incomes. There are also those who point to paid maternity leave as a way of dealing with concerns about the ageing of the Australian population and declining birth rate. Demographer Professor Peter McDonald claims that Australia cannot afford to continue with its system of unpaid leave if it wants to encourage the birth rate, which is presently below replacement levels. Striking a balance between affordable policies and meeting the needs of families is challenging. Many agree that it is unfair for business alone to be expected to shoulder the burden of paid leave. Australian Democrats leader Senator Natasha Stott Despoja has suggested that consideration be given to alternatives to the existing employer-pays system. She advocatesShow MoreRelatedPaid Maternity Leave1579 Words  | 7 PagesQuestion: Australia has to date not legislated for paid maternity leave, unlike most other countries. Assess who should take responsibility for paid maternity leave. Explain the reasons for your response. Paid maternity leave is defined as income replacement to compensate for the leave from paid employment necessary around child-birth (Baird, 2002a:2). In the developed world today, many western countries have designed a legislated for paid maternity leave such as Sweden, Germany, United KingdomRead MoreBenefits Of A Paid Maternity Leave876 Words  | 4 PagesPaid maternity leave is a specific period of time allotted by one’s employer in which a woman is able to be on paid leave after having a child. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Critical Discussions Faculty of Tourism and Hotels
Question: Discuss about theCritical Discussions for Faculty of Tourism and Hotels. Answer: Anybody can do Housekeeping; it is not a Skilled Profession Housekeeping can be considered as an art managing the duties and responsibilities of a house like cleaning, purchasing the required goods, maintaining hygiene premises, laundering, payment of monthly bills etc. The housekeeping activity has given priority in the house of the individual, in the organizations, in hotels etc. This activity cannot be performed by anyone while at house or at the hotel premises. According to the guidelines of marik, the housekeeping can be considered as a profession which all individuals should get expertise. He suggest that the employees in the industries like the hospitality, hotels, clinics, restaurants, etc should practice housekeeping well so as to maintain a hygienic premises and so to attract customers (Marik, 2015). From the article of Tyagi and Zagade it is evident that the housekeeping is a profession which requires skills and not everyone can perform excellent housekeeping. In their article it specifies that the hotels and organizations have sta rted outsourcing the housekeeping activities so that they can maintain their premises clean and attractive (Tyagi and Zagade). Every individual in a home or an employee may not have the patience to keep the home or office clean and to manage it properly. For performing the housekeeping effectively one requires patience, proactive thinking should be energetic, should possess the talent to maintain records of purchase and payment details etc. These abilities are not seen in everyone any those who lacks it will miss out something which can put the others also in trouble (Jafarey and Maiti, 2015). In travel and tourism sectors the management provides additional training and development to their employees for housekeeping (Aziz, 2016). Hence it can be justified that housekeeping is considered as professional skill. A Concierge Should always Suggest the hotels own Services Before Suggesting Outside Entities While the job responsibility of a concierge is taken into consideration his primary role is to assist the customers of the hotel with the reservations for restaurants, tours etc. Since concierge is an employee of a hotel who is supposed to perform the above mentioned responsibilities, he is expected to mention the services provided by the hotel initially rather than informing the customers about the services provided by the competitors. Being ethical and responsible towards the hotel where he is working obviously he should refer to the services provided by the hotels so as to gain profit for the organization (Sharma, 2016). According to Mouradian, concierge service is considered as one of the most innovative services provided by the luxury hotels worldwide. This service is particularly intended to provide personalized service to the customers so as to enhance the customer satisfactory level. Through the provision of this service the management ensures that the customers are provided with relevant information regarding the service and assistance (Mouradian, 2015). Hence it becomes the responsibility of a concierge to suggest about the services provided by the hotel itself on demand rather than insisting the other competitors. From this discussions it can be strongly justified that a concierge should work for the benefit for the organization and should perform the duty assigned to him appropriately. Any action opposite to this can be considered as unethical and immoral towards the organization (Menoux, 2016). He or she can suggest outside entities if it is not provided by the hotels. Finally it is the customers who decide which service should be opted. A Hotel can Outsource its Reservations Department. Having a web page which includes a reservation system is an asset for a hotel. This brings competitive advantage and many other benefits for the organization. Now when considering a reservation system for a hotel it has to be effective so as to obtain the desired output (Claver, 2012). If a hotel management decides to develop a reservation system which is attractive, user friendly, fast, efficient etc it requires more investment in terms of money and timer. Hence outsourcing the reservation system can be considered as an effective alternative. Mr. Kimes in his journal has specified that through outsourcing the business processes like the reservation systems the hotels can improve their business performances (Kimes, 2016). Through outsourcing the hotels can get a reservation system which is more professional and effective. Through this outsourcing business strategy the hotels can save time and money investments which in turn can bring them more benefits. The up gradation of the reserv ation systems, advertisements regarding the new services, etc can also be done periodically without any new investments. Once this service this outsourced it becomes their responsibility to maintain and upgrade the system periodically (Islam, 2016). Hence it can be clearly justified that outsourcing the reservation department of hotel is an effective business strategy which can attain competitive advantage, customer attraction, customer satisfaction etc. Maintaining the reservation systems by themselves will require the hotel management to recruit IT professionals to develop, maintain and upgrade the system which can enhance the cost of production of the hotels (Assimakopoulos, 2015). Automated Reception Machines Cannot Replace a Majority of Reception Staff Automated reception machines are the new innovation in the hotel industry which can replace the staff members and can work continuously without any interruptions. This innovation can change the reputation of the hotels in a positive manner (Yun et al, 2016). The customers can be perceived that the hotel or the organization which utilized this technology is very high tech. The customers would certainly like this type of innovation and can also grab the attention of the customers easily. But these machines cannot replace a majority of the reception staffs. The customers would definitely prefer to speak to the reception staffs rather than machines (Bechet et al, 2015). These automated machines can be utilized for welcoming the guests, providing the general information regarding the services, layout information etc. For such basic services the automated machines are an effective tool which can also reduce the wait time of the customers for the staff members. But for handling the other re quirements of the customers like attending the telephones call, for taking orders, for the allocation of the rooms etc the individual staff members are essential. In order to please and make the customers satisfied reception staff members are certainly required (Gidumal and Gonzlez, 2015). The customers always prefer hospitality which can be delivered only by humans not the machines. Hence the automated machines can be kept as the tool so as to attract the customers and to reduce the work burden of the receptionist. But it cannot be replaced with majority of the staffs in the reception. By replacing the machines with the staff members can certainly reduce the customer satisfactory level (Ruhala, 2015). There may be customers who are not so highly savvy and can struggle with the automated machines is order to get a service. Hence the argument against the statement can be justified. It is Essential for Hotel General Managers to Work for a Period of their Careers as Night Auditors. When the general managers of the hotels are taken into consideration they should possess good experience and knowledge so as to manage the business operations of the hotel. The general managers gather their experience in the relevant field strating their careers as the executives. There is no general manager who is a manager from the beginning (Aissa and Goaied, 2016). His experience from the smaller job profiles makes him aware about each and every operations of the hotel sector. This enables him to manage his employees and coordinate their work towards the organizational goal. But this decision doesnt argue that the general manager should have worked as a night auditor whiles his career development stages (Reilly, 2015). If he had worked or gone through this work profile it would an added advantage and would have an awareness regarding that. There is no compulsion that the general manager should have an experience as a night auditor. A general manager should possess relevant educat ional qualification, experience more than 8 years in a leadership position, good interpersonal and interactive skills, employability skills etc. These all abilities will qualify an individual as a general manager. Hence it is justified that a general manager need not be essentially be a night auditor (Storey, 2016). References Aissa, S.B. and Goaied, M., 2016, Determinants of Tunisian hotel profitability: The role of managerial efficiency. Tourism Management, 52, pp.478-487 Aziz, W., 2016. Evaluation of the Performance of Guest Room Attendants of Housekeeping Department (Application to Cairo Three Star Hotels), Journal of Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, 7(2) Assimakopoulos, C., Papaioannou, E., Sarmaniotis, C. and Georgiadis, C.K., 2015. Online reviews as a feedback mechanism for hotel CRM systems, Anatolia, 26(1), pp.5-20 Bechet, P., Scortar, R.M., Todorov, T., Boneva, B. and Miclaus, S., 2015. Design and testing of an automated receiving system for the ionospheric sounding in HF radiofrequency range. Acta Technica Napocensis, 56(3), p.15. Bulchand-Gidumal, J. and Melin-Gonzlez, S., 2015, Information Technology (IT) in Hotels: A Full Catalogue. Available at SSRN 2771059 Claver, E., Gonzlez, R., Gasc, J. and Llopis, J., 2012. Information systems outsourcing: reasons, reservations and success factors. Logistics Information Management, 15(4), pp.294-308. Islam, M.B., 2016. Process improvement in hotel business Jafarey, S. and Maiti, D., 2015. Glass slippers and glass ceilings: An analysis of marital anticipation and female education. Journal of Development Economics, 115, pp.45-61. Kimes, S.E., 2016. The evolution of hotel revenue management, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 15(3-4), pp.247-251 Marik, P.E., 2015. House Officers Guidelines 1: Housekeeping. In Evidence-Based Critical Care (pp. 23-28). Springer International Publishing Mouradian, C., 2015. The Art of Welcome: what are the innovative practices that would enhance the guests experience in Luxury Hotels?. Menoux, T., 2016, July. The Professional Association of Luxury Hotels Concierges. High-Quality Service Professionals Collectively and Globally Organize for Action on a Symbolic Level. In Third ISA Forum of Sociology (July 10-14, 2016). Isaconf. O'Reilly, C., 2015. Identifying management competencies of hotel owner-managers general managers in the Republic of Ireland (Doctoral dissertation, Nottingham Trent University). Ruhala, L., 2015. Increasing Sales in a Hotel Lobby Shop. Storey, J. ed., 2016. Leadership in Organizations: Current Issues and Key Trends. Routledge. Sharma, D., 2016. Enhancing customer experience using technological innovations: a study of the Indian hotel industry. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 8(4). Tyagi, H. and Zagade, S., 2015. Outsourcing: A study on Benefits to Housekeeping Department in Hotels. Yun, S.G., Shin, J.W., Park, E.S., Bang, H.I. and Kang, J.G., 2016. Efficiency of an Automated Reception and Turnaround Time Management System for the Phlebotomy Room. Annals of laboratory medicine, 36(1), pp.49-54.
Monday, December 2, 2019
One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Essays (987 words) - Randle McMurphy
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest We, being members of society do not have the authority to judge whether people are sane or insane. Some may say that others are insane but we are all a little bit crazy. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, a novel written by Ken Kesey deals with these topics and is a well-written piece of literature that will be enjoyed by generations to come. It will become a timeless classic simply because of the great combination of the setting and the characters and how they both support the themes found throughout the story. The setting of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a backdrop which makes it easy to see the wickedness of the world and people in general. The hospital, Dr. Spivey says, "is a little world inside that is a made-to-scale prototype of the big world outside." Most of the action in the novel takes place in a world that is indeed limited and specific. It is but one ward of one hospital in Oregon. The world of the Cuckoo's Nest is in many ways a cartoon world that is filled with colorful characters and laughs, in which good and evil are clearly defined. Far from being a place of healing, the hospital is a place of fear where patients do not laugh and fear the consequences of anything they speak of. The setting of this novel allows the characters to develop freely and they are even a little off the wall which is a good attribute that will be admired by future readers. McMurphy teaches the rest of the patients how to be sane. Above all, this sanity consists of the ability to laugh, to laugh both at your self and at the world that is often ludicrous and cruel. Chief Bromden says, " He knows you have to laugh at the things that hurt you just to keep yourself in balance, just to keep the world from running you plumb crazy." As McMurphy is strapped to the treatment table (shape of a cross), a parallel is drawn between him and Christ, both sacrificed themselves for the good of others. His sole reason for living has been the other patients' need for him. His example has given the patients enough courage to brave the outside world, but he returns from a lobotomy a ruined man. One of the most important clues to the character of Nurse Ratched is that her name rhymes with ratchet, which is a piece of machinery. Nurse Ratched (whose name also carries the echoes of rat and wretched), has transformed herself from a human being into a machine that demands complete control and order of everyone. The Chief describes the nurse as, a mechanism of terror, able to control the hospital with her "beams of hate", which shows the Nurse as the embodiment of pure evil. She represents forces that influence us all. The Nurse and her new patient (McMurphy) are in every way opposed to each other; she demands control, while he seeks freedom. She is the voice of common sense but McMurphy never lets rules or common sense stand in the way of good fun. This ongoing conflict symbolizes the struggle between good and evil. Our guide to the world of the Cuckoo's Nest is the towering Chief Bromden. The Chief's seemingly random and irrational hallucinations, confusing at first, gain clarity when we see they are carefully organized to give us an understanding of the hospital we would never receive from a traditional narrator. He has convinced everyone around him that he is deaf and dumb, he tries to flee reality by thinking back to his happy childhood but in moments of great stress, a dense fog engulfs him. He sees his father"shrink" in his mind, the diminishing is a literal and physical one, from a proud Indian Chief to a man stripped of his name. The Chief has always possessed his own reserves of courage; it just took McMurphy to remind him that he did. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is as much the Chief's story as it is McMurphy's and it is only because of his final victory that we are able to hear the story of the Cuckoo's Nest at all. The hidden meanings and representations of characters is definitely one of the reasons why this is such a great book. Ken Kesey displays many themes in, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, to help the reader gain
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