Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Lose of a Child †The Unthinkable
The Lose of a Child – The Unthinkable Free Online Research Papers It is the unthinkable, every parent prays that it never happens to them; But the truth is that it can happen to anyone in a blink of an eye. The lose of a child, which could be a lot of different things, as in death, lost, or kidnapped. In any of these instances your heart breaks for the parent whether it is you, someone you know, or even a stranger. When something happens or goes wrong with a child you the parent are not the only ones affected. The other children in the house hold, other siblings, classmates, friends of the child, grandparents, other family members, and the community. In my thesis I will go over how each of these possibilities and how it affects everyone involved and what you can do to help yourself. When a child is lost at the store, in the woods, or even at a theme park. Being the parent, panic is the first thing that sets in your heart races, your hands sweat and you try to keep the worst possible thoughts out of your head. You run around calling for your lost child hoping and praying for the best. As a on looker, a stranger, you ask if you can help search for this child, Secretly thankful that it is not your own, while griping your own child’s hand not letting them go. You look every where bathrooms, stores, cafes, and even security desk, hopefully with luck you will find your child quickly. When a child is lost, the child is scared and does not know what to do. It is very stressful on a child all they can see are people they do not know. After all we teach our kids not to talk to strangers at a young age. So what are they to do? Hopefully a good Samaritan will take the your lost child to the security desk or help them find you. A lot of times that is not the way thi ngs go, most people now a days will stand their looking at the child screaming for mommy or daddy It is sad. Most people need to put their selves in your shoes, if that was my child what would I want someone to do. What to do if something like this happens and you lose your child in a crowded place. First, you should stay calm, get a resent picture of your child out and go to the security desk and ask for help. Second, calmly walk the grounds and look for your child. Third, ask and show people that walk by you if they have seen you child. The important thing is to find your child quickly. One of the two worst things that can happen to a child is being kidnapped. Over the years here in Texas there have been several children who have been kidnapped by strangers, or family members. It doesn’t really make a difference if you know the person who took your child your or not knowing what kind of person took your child just makes the stress of the situation worse. I remember one little girl a year or so ago that was kidnapped. This little girl was five years old, and her mom and dad believed that her uncle had taken her. They called the police and had a nation wide man hunt and amber alert for this little girl and her supposed kidnapper. After months of the searching the cops finally found his vehicle, inside they found the man suspected of kidnapping this little girl dead. This man killed himself, why, who knows but there was no sign at all of the missing girl. Nothing in this mans car or in the area around where they found his body. What happened to this little girl? Where is she they never found her? Now if this was your child how would you feel right now? You would be consumed by fear, grief, and what if’s. A parent who has lost a child to not knowing as I call it. Have a harder time dealing with it. They have many emotions such as anger, sorrow, fear, and confusion. The sad thing about today’s society is a lot of men, women and yes even some young adults are pedophiles. So they first thing that comes to your mind in this instance is Oh My God what if !!! You cry and pray that the awful thoughts going through your head are not what’s happing to your baby. Something like this just doesn’t affect the parents they other children in the household become fearful. They start to worry and look over their shoulders hoping they are not next. They cry and miss their brother or sister, wonting them to come back. The grandparents and other family members are affect as well, they try to protect the other kids and help the parents the best they can. The other family members are a wreck as well worrying and fearing the unknown. The community is deeply affected, The fact of knowing that someone in your community could possibly take or hurt a child is down right scary. Parents in the community as well as teachers and the children themselves become very aware of their surroundings and the people in it. What do you do if this happens to you? You call 911 and get help at the soonest possible second because in kidnapping cases the firs t 24 hours a critical in finding the missing child. To me the worst possible thing that could happen to my child is death. When you lose a child your world comes crashing down around you. There is this sinking filling in you, this huge hole in your heart, soul and life. When something this awful happens it doesn’t just affect the parent or parents it dramatically affects the other children, grandparents, aunts uncles and the whole community. People say that if a child is sick for a long time with a painful debilitating disease that it wont be as bad on the family they are wrong. Yes that child is not suffering anymore but the parents have still lost a part of them and their life it is still very devastating, but when a healthy child dies suddenly I can see how people might find that harder. For instance, Montana Lane Fisher, 15 months old, He was so full of life. He passed away January 31, 2009, reasons still unknown, His death was ruled natural causes He passed away one night in his sleep. For the parent even though ther e is another child still there and living, life seemed to end that day not just for him but for her to. She lost a piece of herself that she will never get back. I think that every parent God help them in this situation feels that way, not meaning to hurt the other children that they may have but it is a difficult situation to be in. Most parents that lose a child together will end up divorced a lot of times because they blame them selves and each other, or just have a hard time holding on to that love. I have watched Momo’s mom and sister over the last year and tried my best to help. There is so much pain and not understanding especially in his sister, she is 7 now, she does not understand all she knows is that God called Momo home to heaven because he needed a special angel at his side. She still cries out for Momo at night and most days. Her mom cant help her because she cant even help herself right now. Something this devastating really affects the whole family. I ha ve watch Montana’s Papa and grandma too for the last year, and seeing a man cry for his grandson that has not cried but maybe 5 times his whole life. Watching the pain in his eyes while he watches his daughter die inside more and more each day, the grandma has become mean and vindictive towards Momo’s mom because she blames her for his death. My boys for instance there isn’t a day that goes by that they don’t say momma when is Montana coming back? It breaks my heart because I have to tell them they will see him again one day but only in heaven Its like they have relive his death all over again. What can you do to get through something this awful? Talk to someone, get out your anger through words to a good friend or a dr. and not by hurting someone. Go to God for guidance he will never lead you wrong. Talk to your spouse and children and talk about his or her life, the cute and funny things that he or she did. Just remember that your family and God love you so hold you head up high and live your life in their memory, because giving up is not what they would want you to do. Almost 900,000 children a year go missing, that’s over 2,200 a day. It ranges from runaways to kidnappings. All the research that have done tells me as parents we need to teach our children about the bad in the world, teach them what to do if they are in this situation, teach them to protect themselves. As far as the child death rate it is high everywhere in the us and in other countries. a lot of child die from abuse or neglect but even more from illness and disease. In conclusion, just because we pray it wont happen doesn’t mean that it wont. The unthinkable, It happens everyday to millions of families and children all across the USA and the world. We have to teach our children to protect themselves and be more cautious and as to there heath just because it looks like a cold doesn’t mean that it is. A dr. visit is expensive but a funeral cost you a lot more, and I don’t mean just money wise, it can cost you your family, life, career and most important your child. The reason I chose this topic is mainly to educate so that you and your family don’t have to go through what millions of families are going through right now as you are reading this. The unthinkable can happen to you, your child could get lost, kidnapped, and God forbid the worst die. Any of these things can drive a person crazy and cause all kinds of different emotions and effect everyone. So take care of your family and remember to educate yourselves and your children. Research Papers on The Lose of a Child - The UnthinkablePersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenStandardized TestingComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseHip-Hop is Art19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraGenetic EngineeringThe Hockey Game
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Basic Guide to Integers on SAT Math
The Basic Guide to Integers on SAT Math SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Many SAT math questions involve the use of integers, especially in the early and middle ranges of each math section. This means that integers are a foundational element to SAT math and you should have a solid understanding of what integers are and how they work if you want to do well on the SAT math section. This guide will cover the basics of integers- what they are, how they relate to one another, and how you’ll see them on the test. For the more advanced integer concepts (including prime numbers, absolute values, exponents, and roots), check out our advanced guide to SAT integers. What is an Integer? An integer is a whole number. This means an integer is any number that is NOT expressed via a decimal or a fraction. Integers include all negative whole numbers, all positive whole numbers, and zero. Examples of Integers: -55, -2, 0, 14, 10,699 NOT integers: $À$, $2/3$, 0.787 Think of integers as something you cannot split. For example, you cannot have half a marble in a box (unless you are either very strong or very careless). Positive and Negative Integers A number line is used to demonstrate how numbers relate to each other and to zero. All numbers to the right of zero are positive numbers. All numbers to the left of zero are negative numbers. Positive numbers get larger the farther they are from zero For example, 154 is larger than 12 because 154 is farther away from zero along the number line in a positive direction (to the right). Negative numbers get smaller the farther away they are from zero For example, -154 is smaller than -12 because -154 is a farther away from zero along the number line in a negative direction (to the left). A positive number is always larger than any negative number. For example, 1 is larger than -1,109. Typical Integer Questions on SAT Math Most SAT integer questions are a combination of word problem and equation problem. The test makers will tell you that the problem involves integers by explicitly using the word "integer" in the passage. You will then be asked to solve a given equation or identify whether or not certain equations are true. You must know that an integer means a whole number (and that integers include negative numbers and zero) to solve these problems. We will go through the rules of how integers behave with one another in order to make sense of these kinds of questions. Sometimes you’ll have to answer more abstract questions about how integers relate to one another when you add, subtract, multiply and divide them. You do not need to find a numerical answer for these types of questions, but you must instead identify whether certain equations will be even or odd, positive or negative. If $a$ is an odd integer and $b$ is an even integer, which of the following is an odd integer? A) $3b$B) $a+3$C) $2(a+b)$D) $a+2b$E) $2a+b$ There are two ways to go about solving these kinds of questions- you can either memorize how integers interact, or you can plug in your own sample numbers. For example, in the charts below, you'll see that: $\a\positive\number * \a\positive\number$ will always result in a positive number. If you forget this rule, you can always try it by saying $2 * 3 = 6$. Because you can always find these results by plugging in your own numbers, these rules are categorized as "good to know," not "necessary to know." negative * negative = positive $-2 * -3 = 6$ positive * positive = positive $2 * 3 = 6$ negative * positive = negative $-2 * 3 = -6$ Another way to think of this is, "When multiplying numbers, the result is always positive unless you’re multiplying a positive number and a negative number." odd * odd = odd $3 * 5 = 15$ even * even = even $2 * 4 = 8$ odd * even = even $3 * 4 = 12$ Another way to think of this is, "When multiplying numbers, the result is always even unless multiplying an odd number and an odd number." odd +/- odd = even $5 + 7 = 12$ even +/- even = even $10 - 6 = 4$ odd +/- even = odd $5 + 6 = 11$ Another way to think of this is, "When adding or subtracting numbers, the result is always even unless adding or subtracting an odd number and an even number." By understanding these rules (and/or by testing them out using your own numbers), you will be able to answer more complicated theoretical questions. Why is six afraid of seven? Because 7, 8, 9! Hardy-har-har. If we revisit the question above, knowing what we do now about number relationships, we can go through our answer choices to find the correct answer: If $a$ is an odd integer and $b$ is an even integer, which of the following is an odd integer? A) $3b$B) $a+3$C) $2(a+b)$D) $a+2b$E) $2a+b$ Choice A is incorrect, because $b$is an even integer. And we know that an even number * an odd number = an even number. Choice B is incorrect because $a$is an odd integer. And we know that an odd number + an odd number = an even number. Choice C is incorrect because $a$is an odd integer and $b$is an even integer. An even number + an odd number = an odd number. And an odd number * an even number (in this case 2) = an even number. Choice D is correct. Twice $b$ will be even, because an even number * an even number = an even number. And the final result will be odd because an odd number ($a$) + an even number ($2b$) = an odd number. Choice E is incorrect. Twice an odd number ($a$) will be an even number, because an even number * an odd number = an even number. And an even number + an even number = an even number. So your final answer is D, $a + 2b$. You can see how you could also solve this by double-checking these rules by using your own numbers. If you assign an odd number to $a$ and an even number to $b$, you can test out each option in about the same amount of time it would take you to go through your rules like this. So for this question, you could have said $a$ was 3 and $b$ was 4. Then option D would have looked like this: $3 + 2(4) = 11$ Again, because you can figure out these kinds of questions using real numbers, these rules are classified as "good to know," not "necessary to know." So let's look at how to put all the clues together to solve integer questions. Steps to Solving an SAT Math Integer Problem #1: Identify if the problem is, in fact, an integer problem. The SAT will always explicitly use the word "integer" to let you know if your answer must be in integers or if you can only use integers while solving the problem. For any problem that doesn’t specify that the variables (or the solution) are "integers," your answer or example numbers can be in decimals or fractions. Because the problem specifically uses the word "integer," we know we must only work with whole numbers. #2: If the problem asks you to identify equations that are always true, test out multiple different kinds of integers. If the question asks you to identify whether certain equations or inequalities are true for ALL integers, the equation must work equally with 10 as with 0 and -5. A good rule of thumb is to try -1, 0, and 1 with variable questions like these. These numbers often have special properties that make or break conditions. I'll explain what that means with a practice example. If $x$is an integer, which of the following equations MUST be true? I. $x^3 ≠¥ (-x)^3$ II. $x^3/x ≠¥ x^2/x$ III. $x(x + 1) ≠¤ -x + x^3$ A) I onlyB) II onlyC) III onlyD) I and III onlyE) I, II, and III For questions like these, we should test out our sample numbers, as it can get confusing to use our rules of integer behaviors with complex problems such as these. So for option I, let use our test numbers of -1, 0, and 1. $-1^3 = (-1)(-1)(-1) = -1$ $(1)^3$ = $1^3 = (1)(1)(1) = 1$ -1 is NOT greater than +1. This automatically eliminates option I. And by eliminating option I, we can eliminate answer choices A, D, and E right away. Now let's look at choice II with our same test numbers. ${(-1)^3}/{-1} = {(-1)(-1)(-1)}/{-1} = {-1}/{-1} = 1$ ${(-1)^2}/{-1} = {(-1)(-1)}/{-1} = {1}/{-1} = -1$ 1 -1. This means that option II works so far when we use a negative number. So let's try it with our positive number, 1. $1^3/1 = {(1)(1)(1)}/1 = 1/1 = 1$ $1^2/1 = {(1)(1)}/ 1 = 1/1 = 1$ 1 = 1. So option II still works. Lastly, we should test if the equation still works with 0. $0^3/0 = 0$ $0^2/0 = 0$ Option II works for all answer choices, so our final answer is B, II only. Because we know that option I does not work, we have eliminated all other answer choices. But if you want to make absolutely sure you did not make a mistake somewhere, you can test out option III as well. $-1(-1 + 1) = 0$ $-(-1) + (-1)^3 = 1 + (-1)(-1)(-1) = 1 + -1 = 0$ $0 = 0$ The two are equal, which means that option III works so far. Now let's try it with 1. $1(1 + 1) = 2$ $-1 + 1^3 = -1 + (1)(1)(1) = -1 + 1 = 0$ $2 0$ When we used a positive number, the equation was incorrect. This means that answer choice C is eliminated and our choice of B has been confirmed to be the only correct answer. #3: If the problem asks you to find the answer to long calculations, use your rules that you learned above or test it out with smaller numbers. $a, b, c, d, e, f$ are odd integers such that $a b c d e f$. Which statement(s) must be true? I. $abcdef$ is odd II. $a + b + c + d + e + f$ is odd III. $a(b + c + d + e + f)$ is odd A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I and III only E. I, II, and III Now you can approach this problem in one of two ways: by using your number rules or by using your own numbers. First, let's use our number rules to test option I. We know that each letter represents an odd integer and that the product of an odd number and another odd number is an odd number. Because an odd * an odd will always be odd, we know that option I is true. This means we can also eliminate answer choices B and C. Now let's look at option II. We know that an odd number + an odd number = an even number. We also know that an even number + an even number = an even number. So if we split $a + b + c + d + e + f$ into pairs of numbers, we'll have $(a + b) + (c + d) + (e + f)$. We know that each pair of numbers will have an even sum, so we're left with: an even number + an even number + an even number, which will give us an even final result. So option II is incorrect. This means we can eliminate answer choice E. Finally, let's look at option III. As we saw before, when we have six odd numbers (in other words, an even number of odd numbers), the sum will be even. Now, our parenthesis holds five (an odd number) of odd numbers, and an even number + an odd number = an odd number. So we know the number in the parenthesis will be odd. We also know that an odd number ($a$) * an odd number (the sum of $b, c, d, e, f$) = an odd number. So option III is correct. This means that our final answer is D, I and III only. The other way you could solve this problem would be to test out these rules with small numbers and extrapolate to find the larger answer. In other words, use small numbers in place of the variables. So for option I, if you didn't know an odd * an odd = an odd, you could replace $a$and $b$with the numbers 5 and 3. $5 * 3 = 15$, so you know that an odd * an odd = an odd number, no matter how many times you multiply it. So option I is correct. For option II, again test it out with smaller numbers. $7 + 5 = 12$, and $7 + 5 + 3 = 15$. So you know that adding odd numbers an even number of times gets you an even answer and adding odd numbers an odd number of times gets you an odd answer. There are six odd numbers, so the final answer must be even. Option II is incorrect. Taking what you learned by testing option II, you know that adding odd numbers an even number of times gets you an odd answer. And, taking what you learned from testing option I, you know that an odd number * an odd number = an odd number. This means your final answer must be odd, so option III is correct. This means the final answer is D, I and III only. Always remember that there are several ways to solve integer problems. So use real numbers and don't give up if it looks too complicated. The Take-Aways Simply by understanding what an integer is, you will be able to solve many SAT questions. Integer questions are often fairly straightforward if you know what numbers are included in the definition of an "integer" and which are not. If you remember to experiment with your own numbers when presented with the more abstract SAT questions and pay attention to when you must use integers and when you’re free to use any number, you will be able to solve most of the basic SAT integer questions. For the more advanced integer concepts- absolute values, exponents, etc.- be sure to check out our advanced guide to SAT integers. What's Next? Now that you’ve learned about what integers are, you may want to check out the advanced guide to SAT integers where we will go through absolute values, prime numbers, and exponents (among other concepts). Make sure that you also have a solid understanding of all the SAT math formulas you're both given and not given. Running out of time on SAT math? Check out our article on how to buy yourself those extra precious seconds and minutes and complete your SAT math problems before time’s up. Feeling overwhelmed? Start by figuring out your ideal score and check out how to improve a low SAT math score. Already have pretty good scores and looking to get a perfect 800? Check out our article on how to get a perfect score written by a perfect SAT-scorer. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Math strategy guide, you'll love our program. Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Crimonology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Crimonology - Essay Example The main purpose of this program is to reduce congestion in the court by allowing some of the suspects to be tried when operating from outside the confinement of remand. I do find the program much effective given the fact that some of the offences are categorized as petty offences and do not threaten the societal order. These categories of people following a compelling instigation from the officers should indeed be allowed to resume to the society pending trial, as this will reduce unnecessary congestion as proposed in the program (Siegel 122). It can be said to be an alternative court, if one goes through the system, they are no longer required to be tried in court. Whereas the program cushions one to avoid criminal charges by the court, when one fails to comply with the requirements of the program as stipulated it may revert to a full criminal trial. When those who have gone through the system are involved in criminal offences in the future, the criminal record following diversion can still be used to account for a criminal history of a convict. Under the diversion program, the offenders are suppose to complete a program that is aimed at; education them on the need to uphold law and order in order to avert future criminal activities, victims restitution, community service hours, and restraining coming to contact with other people are some of the programs under diversion (Liebmann 113). I do find the process equally effective in the administration of justice, a part from reducing the time needed for arbitration in court; the suspect pleads guilty and serves certain mandatory programs as said above. During this period, the offenders are also prepared for rehabilitation, for example in the program they are made to appreciate upholding law and order in their future life. The willingness of the offenders to serve alternative sanctions is dependent on many factors; if the offenders feel that they have
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Relationships and Connections of Variables Research Paper
Relationships and Connections of Variables - Research Paper Example Learner’s without properly citing the source of the work will be considered plagiarism and will result in an unsatisfactory grade for the work submitted or for the entire course, and may result in academic dismissal. The literature offers a myriad of information yielded by various researches on human relationships. Concepts on a wide spectrum from physiological responses to romantic relationships, emotions that are manifested during romances, social implications or consequences of engaging in romantic relationships, and perceptions and viewpoints that are attempted to explain some phenomena related to romance have been analyzed and discussed in the paper. Studies on romance include research conducted by social scientists, which unearthed evidence of physiological responses manifested by heightened hormones in new romances of Dr. Donatella Marazitti and Helen Fisher. Rule of thumb in writing is that you do not use the same word twice in a sentence. One such study is that of adolescents who have become popular subjects/ participants in researches on conceptualization and expectations in romantic relationships... Feiring conducted interviews with adolescents with outcome results that indicated romantic partner selection in late adolescence and early adulthood is initiated due to of stimulus characteristics, such as desirable personality and physical attractiveness. In the adolescents’ reports, physical attraction to a prospective romantic partner is expressed as finding the person cute, pretty or handsome, rather than in terms of sexuality (e.g. a good kisser). As the relationship progresses, common interests and interpersonal compatibility becomes essential. (Conger, Cui, Bryant, and Elder conducted a longitudinal study that examined the effects of family influences on adolescents’ romantic behavior in their early adult life.Â
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Gobi Fund Essay Example for Free
Gobi Fund Essay Why is it difficult to establish a new fund? Why is track record so important in fund raising? The main concern is to convince the investors to invest their money in Gobi. Therefore, it is necessary to raise a rational-sized fund. To raise a new fund is not an easy thing to do as everything including the fund structure, team, approach, LP base, and amount of capital have to be defined appropriately. The general partners also need to contribute their own money in order to convince the investors to invest together with them. The track record is very important in fund raising because if Gobi has a good track record, more investors will be interested to invest in it. Q2. Prepare a SWOT analysis for Gobi Fund II proposal in the context of venture capital fundraising. Gobi operates in an area where there is a lot of pent up demand (IT and digital media). * Gobi can acts like a bridge for western LPs to invest in Chinese companies. It is difficult to raise a new fund and if Gobi do not really have a good track record, it will become harder to gain the investors trust in order to raise the new funds. May have the advantage in acquiring a higher return from investment in the IT and media market since they already invest in that industry during the early stage. Meaning that they already have the experiences in investing in IT industry, therefore, may not become a problem to earn a high return. What are the keys to raising the second fund and how large should it be? There is no definite answer in this question as they could be changing depends on the situations. The planning horizons may take between 7 to 10 years or maybe longer than that because of a lack of infrastructure and development in the industry. The fund size may be between $100 million to $200 million allowing around $2 million to $5 million for each company. The subsequent funds should be of similar size or larger as the industry grows. Gobi wants the first close at $75 million. The key is whether to include more financial LPs or not. Q4. From the perspective of a potential LP, what are your choices when funding international focused VC funds? Would you fund Gobi? Gobi has never exited from an investment before, and there is high level of risks involved in the development of early stage IT companies as well as huge risks that may impede company development and growth. However, Gobi operates in an area where there is a lot of pent up demand (IT and digital media) and Gobi can acts like a bridge for western LPs to invest in Chinese companies. It may be a good choice to invest in it if it offers a rational return considerate with the level of high risks involved.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Order, Disorder and Imagination in John Buck’s Sculptures :: Art Essays
Order, Disorder and Imagination in John Buck’s Sculptures There is always a first impression, a first glance seeping through the corner of your eye. When passing by one can’t help but to notice the overwhelming presence of John Buck’s freestanding sculptures which stand in front of the Gallery. I find myself overwhelmed by both the size and the boldness by which these sculptures speak. Their organized structural nature combines a variety of ideas from branches, birdhouses to molecular structures and globes, and in the middle of it all stands the ringing human form. Initially, the forms and elements I saw in these sculptures impressed me but their composition did not challenge or stimulate my curiosity. So I kept up with the flow of traffic and continued on walking by. I couldn’t quite figure out why I had an aversion to these sculptures. It wasn’t until I started to break down the elements of these sculptures and take a closer look within the walls of the gallery that my first impression faded and a new aur a of his work came into being. A have found an appreciation for both his ways of making and the perceptions he presents. I am a big fan of wood carving, so I am thoroughly impressed by John Buck’s carvings of both his sculptures and woodblock prints. I appreciate the details of his work for instance the visibility of the chip carving and the control he has over the bends of the wood. I am curious to know the techniques he uses to get these details and his methods to making them. I read that John Buck uses a special kind of wood called jelutong. The artist said about working with wood, â€Å" There is an automatic and direct relationship between the nature of the wood and how I am able to work with it†¦In the carving of wood there is a physical activity that is more about nature in the making –not just the concept of the image, but the actual making, is connected to nature.†His connection to nature and the environment go beyond his use of wood as a medium, but are explicit in the stories he tells. In the lecture ‘Pillar to Pole’, Bruce Gunter commented on three forces which he found impacted Buck’s art work, these being: Midwest roots, environmental degradation and relationships to humanity.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
African Childbirth Traditions
In the majority of African communities birth is a meaning-laden event both for the parents and the community as a whole. Children are viewed as a blessing from God. However, despite this, very little preparation will be made prior to the birth itself as it is believed that performing acts such as naming a child, buying clothes or preparing food is overly optimistic.For this reason pregnancy will not be mentioned until the point at which it becomes noticeable. In addition to this, the women themselves will continue to work throughout their pregnancy as this is deemed a sign of their strength and suitability for motherhood. Hot mustard will not be eaten during pregnancy as it is widely believed that it can cause the mother to miscarry.Warm foods, however, will be consumed due to beliefs that they assist with the healing process after the birth of the child. Many women will refrain from taking vitamins or other supplements during their pregnancy as they believe that such nut ritional supplements will cause the baby to grow larger and thus make delivery more painful.In African society the birth itself will generally take place in the house of the parents, or, in the case of the first born child, the house of the Mother’s or Father’s parents. In some communities there are special birthing houses that are created for the purpose of childbirths but these are relatively rare.Although, in some cases, a trained specialist will usually deliver the baby it is not uncommon for an elderly woman or traditional healers to act as a midwife. This can threaten the health of both the mother and the baby and concerns over this tradition are well documented.During the labor stage of delivery men are not allowed in the room. The woman will generally give birth in a squat position or on a birthing stool surrounded by her close friends and family who will burn incense and drink fresh coffee.In some African communities the mother will be permitted so me pain relief during the later stages of delivery and this will generally be administered in the form of herbal remedies. However, many people in Africa view pain as a compulsory part of giving birth and view it as a reminder of their basic human weakness.Many women treat childbirth as a test of their own self worth and will refrain from crying out in pain during the process in order to retain dignity and moral virtue.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Family Law Reflecting Moral and Ethical Issues
The legal system continuously endeavours and reforms to provide effective legislative remedies and modify existing legislation to reflect the changing nature of the Australian family structure. Family law has always been a colossal aspect of Australian society with many effective measures in place for family matters. Numerous values and their effectiveness have been debated through various features of family law, and these debates continue to the present day. Divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage by an official court decision and was once frowned upon within society, and prior to 1974, married couples who wished to divorce had to apply under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1959 (Cth) on the ground of â€Å"fault†– that is, on the basis that one or both spouses admitted to acting in a way that undermined their marriage (for example, adultery, cruelty, insanity and desertion). However, the first major change to family law in Australia occurred when the law took reform in this aspect with the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth), which states that the only ground for divorce is the â€Å"irretrievable breakdown of the marriage†, such as the case in the marriage of Todd (1976), one or two of the spouses must consent for divorce. The declining influence of religion and the idea that marriage does not always â€Å"last for life†were social factors that influenced this change. The erosion of the concept of fault and the establishment of a single ground for divorce thus demonstrates changing societal values and how law is changed over time. Australian society believes that it is important to protect the disadvantaged, or those who cannot act to preserve their own rights – particularly children. After a marriage has been dissolved, it is the responsibility of both parents to provide financial support for their children as the case of Campbell and Campbell (1998) established that it is in the best interests of the child to maintain the lifestyle to which they have grown accustomed. The Australian Bureau of Statistics Marriages and Divorces 2011 Media release indicates there are 44,000 children under 18 affected by divorce. As such, the Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989 (Cth) requires that children receive a proper level of financial support from their parents and the Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988 (Cth) ensures that periodic amounts payable by parents towards the maintenance of their children are paid on a regular and timely basis. Prior to the Acts, only 40% of claims for child maintenance were being met, whereas after the Acts were passed, approximately 70% of claims are being met. The new emphasis on children’s rights and parental responsibility reflects the social perception that children are vulnerable members of our society and thus require greater legal protection. Another important change in social attitudes has been the increasing acceptance of same-sex relationships, and recent law reforms have centred on providing same-sex couples with the same rights as de facto heterosexual relationships, and removing discrimination based on sexuality. At the State level, the De Facto Relationships Act 1984 (NSW) was amended to the Property (Relationships) Act 1984 (NSW), for the growing acceptance of heterosexual and homosexual relationships highlighted by news article ‘Partners who just can’t wait (2010)‘ which states the growth in unmarried couples living together. It now recognises same-sex relationships as having the same legal standing as heterosexual de facto relationships, and thus provides protection to people in same-sex de facto relationships in property division, inheritance and decision-making in illness and after death. The Miscellaneous Acts Amendment (Same Sex Relationships) Bill 2008 (NSW) creates amendments to 57 pieces of state legislation to ensure de facto couples (including same-sex couples) are treated equally with married couples. This Act also creates amendments to the Anti-discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) to ensure that same-sex couples are protected from discrimination on the basis of their â€Å"marital or domestic status†in employment, accommodation and access to goods and services, articulated in the Daily Telegraph ‘Gay couple win foster care case (2008)’, after a gay couple won $10,000 in damages when their application to become foster carers was refused. However in terms of federal laws at present, same-sex couples are unable to marry. The Marriage Act 1961 (Cth) defines marriage as â€Å"the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others voluntarily entered into for life†, a definition established by the case of Hyde v Hyde and Woodmansee (1866) and repeated in the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). In 2004, the Commonwealth Government reconfirmed the traditional concept of marriage as the â€Å"union of a man and a woman†when it passed the Marriage Amendment Act 2004 (Cth) meaning same-sex marriage is automatically void in Australia, ncluding overseas marriages. Over time, both State and federal governments in Australia have enacted legislation to encourage and enforce practices which are not only in the public interest, but also reflect the moral and ethical standards of society. While legislative mechanisms have been reasonably successful in achieving this goal with regard to the introduction of â€Å"no-fault†divorce and the protection of children, there is the need for further review and reform of legislation concerning same-sex couples.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Indian Tourism Industry Essay Example
Indian Tourism Industry Essay Example Indian Tourism Industry Essay Indian Tourism Industry Essay Indian Tourism Industry The Indian Tourism Industry Forecast focuses on different parameters of tourism industry including: inbound tourism, outbound tourism, expenditure by inbound tourists, and medical tourism in India. It also helps clients to analyze the opportunities and factors critical to the success of tourism industry in India. In India, inbound tourist expenditure per head is third highest in the world and even more than global average tourist spending. India has been promoting its healthcare tourism by providing the visitors with private healthcare facilities. It is expected that the number of tourists visiting India for the purpose of medical treatment will reach one Million by 2012, representing a CAGR of 28. 09% from 2007. Disposable income in past (during 2001-2006) grew at a CAGR of 10. 11%, thereby driving domestic as well as outbound tourism. Room rent accounts for more than 50% of revenue earned by Indian hotel industry. Indian outbound tourist flow is expected to increase at a CAGR of 12. 79% over the five-year period spanning 2007-2011. Tourist influx to India is expected to increase at a CAGR of 22. 65% between 2007 and 2011. India’s share in global tourism is expected to reach 1. 5% by 2010. Key Issues and Facts Analyzed What is the current state of tourism industry in India? What are the emerging trends in the tourism sector in India? What is the future outlook of the tourism industry in India in terms of inbound as well as outbound tourism, and expenditure by inbound and outbound tourists? Which factors are driving the India tourism industry? Hotel industry scenario in India? Hotel industry occupancy rate and room supply by 2011 This highlights only the synopsis of the Indian tourism industry. **
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
3 Cases When Hyphenation Doesnt Help
3 Cases When Hyphenation Doesnt Help 3 Cases When Hyphenation Doesn’t Help 3 Cases When Hyphenation Doesn’t Help By Mark Nichol Writers are often confused by the complexity of hyphenation rules, mistakenly omitting them when their presence would help clarify meaning and inserting them when they’re superfluous. The decision about whether to use them can be further complicated in sentences in which it would be technically correct but aesthetically inadvisable to use them. Three examples, each followed by discussion and revision, demonstrate a few sentences in which recasting a sentence to avoid hyphens is preferable to using them. 1. They can lean toward easier-to-maintain, off-the-shelf server, network, and storage gear. Hyphenation of the phrasal adjectives â€Å"easier to maintain†and â€Å"off the shelf,†both of which modify the phrase â€Å"server, network, and storage gear†is correct, but the double dose of multiple hyphenation, complicated by the fact that the phrases modify a phrase rather than a single word, clutters the sentence. Relaxing the statement as shown here improves readability: â€Å"They can lean toward off-the-shelf server, network, and storage gear that is easier to maintain.†2. The company’s conversation about buying a brand can evolve into a mergers and acquisitions (MA)-type dialogue. Identifying a term’s abbreviation within parentheses immediately after the first reference to the term when the abbreviation will be used in place of the term in subsequent references is standard procedure, but when the term is modified by a word attached to it with a hyphen, the intervening parenthesis is intrusive. Again, sentence relaxation is a simple solution: â€Å"The company’s conversation about buying a brand can evolve into a dialogue similar to that regarding mergers and acquisitions (MA).†(Also, technically, temporarily disregarding the parenthesis, an en dash should replace the hyphen in the original sentence to signal that type is being attached not just to acquisitions but to the entire phrase â€Å"mergers and acquisitions†: â€Å"The company’s conversation about buying a brand can evolve into a mergers and acquisitions–type dialogue.†) 3. The next step should be to evaluate the effectiveness of existing practices in customer information collection strategies. Technically, the string of nouns turned adjectives that combine to modify strategies should be hyphenated to signal their teamwork (â€Å"The next step should be to evaluate the effectiveness of existing practices in customer-information-collection strategies†), but that three-car train of adjectives can be avoided by relaxing the sentence: â€Å"The next step should be to evaluate the effectiveness of existing practices in strategies for collecting customer information.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Idioms About Legs, Feet, and Toes41 Words That Are Better Than GoodPhrasal Verbs and Phrasal Nouns
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Clothes make the man Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Clothes make the man - Essay Example Clothes have always been the most apparent way to display the financial and social well-being of the person who wears them, and theyve been used in these purposes for thousands of years already. Since the beginning of the history of humanity clothes have been the indicator that helped to create an image of the persons status, occupation, and even intelligence and preferred lifestyle without speaking a word to him or her. Up to our times the representatives of some professions can be distinguished from the crowd by their outfit. Clothes are the best way to transfer the desired message to the outer world. Its the great instrument that allows changing social masks as frequently, as it is needed. There is a job interview awaiting you tomorrow, and you want to look like a trusted and qualified professional? Business suit is what you need. A beautiful girl or a handsome man has invited you for a date? Than wear something cute for to create the atmosphere of romance. Pretty skirts or fashionable jeans are the best choice for the party with friends, while the plain sweater and jeans are preferable for the usual day at school, college or at the work place, unless you employer demands some other form of clothing. Clothes are just the instrument that helps you to create this or that impression on people that surround you, and they should be used only for this purpose. Caring too much about clothing is equally unwise as paying no attention to what you are wearing. Like most of the things that exist in our world clothes are nor good neither bad, they can either earn great benefits for the person wearing them or hurt his/her reputation and image in the eyes of his/her surroundings. As youve probably already noticed, there are people in our society who pay lots of attention to their outfits. They spend loads of time for to find and choose the specific items they want to wear and loads of money for to buy them. For
Friday, November 1, 2019
Argument essay for or against the DREAM Act (Development, Relief and
Argument for or against the DREAM Act (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors) - Essay Example Therefore, they share a lot in common with second generation Americans since for most of their life has been spent in the USA. Having grown up here, they would have little or no attachment to their country of origin. Usually, they are bicultural and sometimes bilingual; however, they speak fluent English (65). A good number do not have an idea they are actually undocumented immigrants. The situation is so until they apply for college or a driver’s license. Once they apply for these legal documents, they realize they do not have Social Security numbers and other documents that are needed. This paper offers an in-depth analysis of the DREAM Act and supports it. The experiences these youths go through can be discouraging. They represent broken dreams, shattered hope and lost ambitions. Since most of them have lived in the U.S almost all their lives, they complete their education here. In school, they take roles of athletes, valedictorians, class presidents and honor roll students (Perez 115). They are aspired to be teachers, doctors, scientists and engineers like all other children in America. However, the fact that they are documented immigrants, their lives change dramatically. Their day-to-day lives took a completely different course and their futures are no longer certain. They can neither work nor vote. As a matter of fact, something as ordinary as driving is a pleasure they cannot enjoy. At times, some are deported to a country they do not know at all. They are a direct result of economic and political significance. Sadly, only about 5-10% of these undocumented young high school graduates make it to college (110). This is usually because they cannot afford to pay their tuition or because they are not allowed to enroll. Typically, they do not even finish high school and thus end up in gangs and other illegal activities. The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM Act) has however to the rescue of these helpless high school graduates. The DREAM Act offers a pathway for them to attain legal status for undocumented high school graduates every year. The DREAM Act was introduced by Representative Howard Berman and Senator Richard Durbin on May 11th, 2011. Today, the DREAM Act has 2 co-sponsors in the House and an overwhelming 32 in the Senate. Organizations from States in the United including California, Kentucky, Oklahoma and New York have come together in order to support the DRAM act (American Immigration Council). Many undocumented students and their classmates as well as teachers have met up with their members of congress, held rallies, sent letters and even staged hunger strikes in the hopes of making this act a reality. In June 2010, an undocumented student who studies in Harvard was held in detention. After this incident, Harvard president Drew Faust stated that these children need to be given a chance to pursue their post secondary education in their country. The DREAM act has more advantages than disadvanta ges. The DREAM act will boost the economy of the United States as well as the labor in the US. Additionally, the Act will jumpstart the process to citizenship (American Immigration Council). This will be a huge investment on human capital and service to the US. Since DREAM act beneficiaries are all high school graduates, it means that they will get decent jobs. This way, there will be more taxable income in the country and thus in return more revenue for the government. On average a college graduate earns $750,000 throughout their lifetime more than the high school graduate (American Immigration Council). In addition, the Dream Act allows talented individuals to remain in the United States (Arnold 95).
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